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Server moving player outside walls and controlling view angle
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This has been happening ALOT since the Friday patch, almost once every 5 minutes.

Mostly the issue occurs outside while roaming and so its not a threat to player survival, but once you get into a building with a second story, its EXTREMELY dangerous.

Basically from my messing with the issue, the following seem to happen :

As you move quickly, the server and your position become out of sync. Using prediction the server repositions you to where it thinks you are, however if you are in a building, that prediction can actually place you much further forward than where you really are standing. if that happens to be next to a sidewall in a building, you can be teleported outside of it, 1 story up.

I also very frequently get warped into adjascent rooms to the one I was approaching. Instead of being in room A, I am instead in room b, which has not even had doors opened yet.

There is also a problem with the server "fighting" with your mouse view control. Often I find my view will jerkily rotate to a new position that I have no option but to allow. moving the mouse in the opposite direction does not negate the movement.

Before the Friday patch, I had some rubber banding issues, mainly taking me back to a previous position from a second or so ago. Now however it is much worse, This still happens, although most occurrences have instead been replaced with leaping forward instead of rubber banding backward. Rubber banding is annoying, but you at least return to a position you chose to be in, this leaping forward is highly risky, as it places you somewhere you did not choose to be, and potentially should not be able to get to.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

I play using WIFI Broadband, 4G. Ping to Server 90-250 average 135

Additional Information

Sony Vaio Duo 13 laptop. Running on lowest settings.

Event Timeline

guest edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 5 2014, 1:44 AM
guest edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
guest set Category to Movement.
guest set Reproducibility to Random.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Open.
guest set Legacy ID to 3451914714.May 8 2016, 4:01 PM