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Lake at Polana factory eating people
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The little lake south of the Polana factory structure (east of Polana) is still buggy. When you enter it for getting water for example and get to close to the stones near the factory wall, you will propably clip into the ground again and again. When you do, you cannot turn your char (only the head i guess). Only movement possible is changing stance and the epic sidekick <V>. In result you cannot exit this zone. Moreover you cannot respawn, so you are damned to wait until somebody kills you. No chance to play DayZ SA until this happens.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Go to the Polana factory. Surround the wall covered structure outside of the walls to the back. There you find a lake. Go to the side of the lake near the wall. There you'll find some stones rising up to the water surface. Go into the water until your knees are covered with water and go to these stones left of you. Somewhere near the stones it should happen.

Additional Information
  • known bug from ArmA 2 and DayZ Mod

Event Timeline

guest edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 4 2014, 10:05 AM
guest edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
guest set Category to category:environment.
guest set Reproducibility to Always.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Open.
guest set Legacy ID to 1631001152.May 8 2016, 3:58 PM