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Text/Font gone bad quality
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Okay so, I used to have some REALLY bad fps problems with DayZ, so I found some YouTube videos and a guide on another website, to increase my fps. They instructed me to type in some 'Launch options' and edit my cfg files a bit. They all worked and my fps was boosted by 10+. I then exited DayZ, after knowing it had worked and continued to watch DayZ videos. About an hour later, I go on DayZ and notice the text and font had gone EXTREMELY pixelated and blurry. By text, I don't mean the "DayZ" logo, I mean the typed out text, including in-game text, when I hover over an item. I edited the settings around and removed the launch options, but it still was happening. I edited the cfg files, very slightly, back to their original defaults, but still no luck...
I REALLY need help, this bug basically makes it impossible to read ANYTHING.
Please reply with a solution ASAP.
-Thanks :) {F29443}


Legacy ID
Ingame UI

Event Timeline

guest set Category to Ingame UI.Jan 3 2014, 11:49 PM
guest set Reproducibility to N/A.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Fixed.
guest set Legacy ID to 3613388021.May 8 2016, 3:57 PM