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Character Suddenly Disappears. (and another backtrack bug)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I put hours into getting gear for my character and all the sudden while trying to join the server this morning my character just disappears. For no reason at all. No I was not thirsty. Sick or hungry. I didn't even die they just disappeared and I had to log in and start over for NO reason at all.

I don't mind starting over if I die but starting over for the server screwing up? No.

I'd like an explanation to why this happened and if I'm the only one experiencing this problem.


Legacy ID
Additional Information

While I'm here I might as well post an additional bug I was experiencing before. Sometimes while I was traveling, I'd inspect a certain item and then all the sudden I'd get teleported back to a location I was like 5 minutes ago and DayZ would freeze. I would have to alt+tab and close it, then I'd have to walk back to where I was.

Also another bug. When players die they are still walking and standing.

Event Timeline

guest edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 1 2014, 9:07 PM
guest set Category to category:characters.
guest set Reproducibility to Random.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Duplicate.
guest set Legacy ID to 1307859314.May 8 2016, 3:49 PM


Thank you for sending us your feedback regarding this issue. Unfortunately, this problem is a known issue that has previously been reported. The devs are aware of the problem related to character save loss and are working on fixing it.

The rubberbanding should already have been fixed. Please remember to report each issue seperately.

Closing as duplicate of #78.
