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Timing Out At Every Attempt To Join Multiplayer game
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I exited the game one night, slept, tried to get on the next day. I couldn't seem to join any server. Kept trying and confirmed. Every single attempt to join takes too long and I times out, connection lost. It seems like it starts, it says Ready in lower right of screen, but stays black and says Wait For Host. I remember it used to say Testing... 3..2..1.. Ready! I can also hear birds chirping and when I press escape before I let it time out it shows me some scenery and an exit menu. I think maybe my guy glitched out, and the system is not recognizing something, and not loading properly, but I don't know. Because at the end of my last successful session, I dropped from a height I feared would break my leg--but I was still walking around. The guy was moaning and groaning , so I took some vitamins and food and soda. He still moaned and groaned on to the time that I exited. A glitch? Please help. Can't play at all, I CAN'T EVEN RESPAWN A NEW CHARACTER!!!


Legacy ID
Additional Information

down" entered correct game version below, this time

Event Timeline

guest edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 1 2014, 4:45 PM
guest set Category to Multiplayer.
guest set Reproducibility to Always.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Open.
guest set Legacy ID to 2962345420.May 8 2016, 3:48 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: shole.Jan 1 2014, 4:45 PM