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More of a general statement.

This game is really promising. I'm very excited to see it's final product. I dig the realism. I have so many ideas I wish I had the game developers on speed-dial. I think, how cool would it be if there were packs of wild dogs, bobcats, snakes, that you either scare by an intimidating action with F4 or they get bold and attack you, like if you run away; fruit trees in backyards you sort of pick through for good fruit versus rotten, apples and peaches and pears, not kiwifruits from New Zealand, or Italy or Chile, or random fresh bananas from Jamaica sitting under a bed and rotten ones spawning in a toilet LOL. Crackers and chips and granola bars seem more realistic, but I've never been to Chernogorsk so what do I know? :)

It would be great if there was an online guide to items as they are released. I still have no idea what the duct tape is combined with. I think it would be incredible if you can take it into your hands and lightly hit items with it. If you want to repair a pair of boots, backpack, or a helmet, or rain coat, that is Badly Damaged, you place it on the ground and use the duct tape on it and watch its condition go up to Worn, but not all the way Pristine. Also I can't wait to see a friend FAIL because no one could find duct tape while he's sporting a badly damaged backpack running and having it burst open, and see all the items tumble behind him, if that's another goal in development I'm super excited with the prospects of what they do that I never thought of. Duct tape is gold in a zombie apocalypse.

Zombies that stand around is creepy, but to also have some roaming like some unknown force is driving them toward the coast and follow some pathways through the woods like in my attached map.

Also if this game would do a random attribute generation with zombie features, it could be groundbreaking. It really sucks how, in zombie games in general, you kill the same 5 to 10 zombies by the hundreds if not thousands. How hard is it really, even color variations would make a huge difference in the experience?

So many ideas!


Legacy ID
No Bug

Event Timeline

guest set Category to category:aibehavior.Dec 31 2013, 11:39 PM
guest set Reproducibility to N/A.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to No Bug.
guest set Legacy ID to 2375955726.May 8 2016, 3:47 PM