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Going through walls when eating/drinking
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This has happened to me and my friend, resulting in my death when I glitched through the sides of watchtower and fell to me death. Basically, when you eat/drink it seems that you can glitch through walls/fences etc.

I'm not sure what the precise conditions are or what direction you go to when you glitch but this has happened at least twice, I have not had the chance to test if it is occurring every time someone eats in such a position.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

The place it occurred for me was in a guard tower on the outside of the military base near Pavlovo...go to the top of one and drink from a canteen while standing next to the walls next to the ladder at the top of the tower.

Event Timeline

guest edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 31 2013, 7:03 AM
guest set Category to category:structures.
guest set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Open.
guest set Legacy ID to 1348754583.May 8 2016, 3:45 PM