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Prison glitch - stuck on the top floor
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the North West Airfield Prison (southern prison- close to the barracks)I am currently stuck on the top floor of the prison. By running against the wall it somehow moved me to the second floor of the prison (check screenshot). After being there for around 20 minutes I could not find any exit in the room and the only option was to ask for someone to kill me.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

It occurred after running against the wall on the bottom floor of the prison (the small room with the two computers. From the bottom floor facing the Fire-station somehow I vaulted onto the wall and was moved to the next room however on the top floor.

Additional Information

While I was playing I experienced some lag with the sever, (players appearing not were they are seen etc).This lag, meant that running against the wall towards the stairs on the second floor allowed my friend to see me and was able to kill me. I believe this issue only happens in the North West prison. This youtube video may help -

Event Timeline

guest edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 31 2013, 4:33 AM
guest edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
guest set Category to category:structures.
guest set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Duplicate.
guest set Legacy ID to 4217073583.May 8 2016, 3:45 PM

Duplicate of #0008063 (Jail wall glitches).

If you've got further information, refer to this one.
