It has happened in EVERY encounter with Zombies.. I start running away, and they just teleport to my location...
I entered the hospital in Elektro being followed by a zombie who lost us(all the time I was with a friend).. We went all the way to the roof and he heard us somehow and teleported inside the hospital, and next to us..
Then again in the outskirts of Kamenka a zombie spotted us, We ran away for like 4 minutes and totally lost the zombie cause we saw him stop running.... We decided to rest by a bush and suddenly the zombie TELEPORTED NEXT TO US (in search mode) and of course entered "hunting mode" cause he appeared 1 metre away from us and just killed us....
I have many more examples of this issue.....
It totally made the game unplayable right now cause everytime a Zombie spots us, it teleports inside houses, or wherever we go..