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Lowering weapon while crouch strafing right in walk mode causes the player to stand up.
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When crouched and strafing right (default key D) while in walk mode, if the players lowers a readied weapon their character will stand up.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Obtain any weapon.
  2. Move the weapon into the Hands slot.
  3. Enter the crouch position.
  4. Toggle the weapon into the readied position (default Space key).
  5. Strafe right while holding the Shift Key to walk.
  6. Press Space to lower the weapon while strafe-walking to the right.
Additional Information

This also occurs with forward-right and backwards-right movements (W+D, S+D).
This does not occur with any other directional movement.
This occurs with both melee weapons and firearms.
This does not occur with Fists as they cannot be readied while crouched.
This will also occur if walk mode is always on (Left Shift x2).

Event Timeline

laegen edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 29 2013, 8:20 PM
laegen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
laegen set Category to Controls.
laegen set Reproducibility to Always.
laegen set Severity to None.
laegen set Resolution to Open.
laegen set Legacy ID to 2812273955.May 8 2016, 3:40 PM
laegen added a subscriber: laegen.

Fixed as of .34, maybe earlier. Please close.