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Hard/can't move through balcony door of high-rise..then use "step over 'V' key to get through....fall to death.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


At balcony door of high-rise trying to move through the door, it is difficult to get through. Use the step over key and you can get through. Unfortunately, this can also result in going over railing of balcony and falling to your death. Please see the video. Happened to me twice while testing this "bug."
Once uploaded, video is here:


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Go to high-rise balcony doorway.
  2. Try to move through with forward key (W). May not be able to.
  3. Use "step over" key (default V) to get through.
  4. Get through doorway to balcony but may also go over balcony railing and fall to death.
Additional Information

Not sure, but it appears to be the "far" balcony where this occurs.
Had axe in hand. I will try to duplicate again without weapon in hand.

Event Timeline

m5xjr edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 29 2013, 12:53 AM
m5xjr edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
m5xjr set Category to Movement.
m5xjr set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
m5xjr set Severity to None.
m5xjr set Resolution to Fixed.
m5xjr set Legacy ID to 3649797413.May 8 2016, 3:37 PM
m5xjr added a subscriber: m5xjr.
m5xjr added a comment.Dec 29 2013, 3:22 AM

As of 6:55 PM 12/28/13. 185 minutes remaining on the video upload. I'm new to this video on You Tube thing, but DAMN, it takes a long time. Any advice to speed it up, please post on the discussion portion of the video for this report. Thanks.
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