What is DayZ making to my pc?
I own a I5 3.1ghz and a nvidia 660 gtx, i run even games like call of duty ghosts in max, my dayz works great offcourse, i can play it at max in all (wich for some reason seems to make my graphic card run hot, so i been playing with options in normal and Low)
Heres my problem, today i spent the whole day playing dayZ and the game is working perfect, but overtime my game gets worse and worse on frames per second , so i tryed to restart the game, and thats when i noticed, even after i close the game it doesnt fix it, worse, it affects my whole pc even after the game is closed, brownsers, steam, videos, music, Everything becomes slow and slugish and slowy responsive. Till i restart the computer wich fixes it, but after i start playing DayZ it all starts doing the same again, and my whole pc overtime ( a period of 2-3h) becomes unplayable and i must restart the whole Pc,
Anyone experiencing similiar issues?