you can`t move with the ARROW-KEYS, while your Inventory is open.
You just switch between the two close-markers within the inventory.
Thanks alot,
you can`t move with the ARROW-KEYS, while your Inventory is open.
You just switch between the two close-markers within the inventory.
Thanks alot,
Just open your inventory and try to move with the arrow-keys.
As an "oldschool-player" this is very sad and hopefully being fixed.
same issue. exactly what jjlankinen said.
Having the same issue when using non default key bindings. also related rolling with prone does not work using non default bindings. very frustrating for lefties
Also you can't move with arrow keys when you have player list on screen.
For a left handed player its a bit annoying not to be able to move while inventory is visible easily enough.
I have the same issue and posted another bug report looks like it was acknowledged, but nothing as of yet for a resolution.
0010429 3 Controls none acknowledged (Kira) 2014-04-03 Changing keybinding of movement causes inventory/movement bug.