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Character duplication glitch
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Creates a duplicate NPC character with all the exact same items on with same damage values and does not seem to affect the origional character if it is harmed or killed


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Join a server and add it to favourates and join it, when it says "ready" disconnect with Esc and rejoin and do this a few more times. Once you have done this and join the server properly there should be a duplicate character where you logged off with all the same items. EG

DayZ FR (public) *Numbers* Join this a few times and esc when you see "Ready!"

Join the server fully after about 5-6 tries and you should be greeted with a duplicate of your character.

Additional Information

Not exactly the same as the doppleganger bug.

Event Timeline

Hunter edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 25 2013, 1:49 PM
Hunter edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Hunter set Category to category:characters.
Hunter set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Hunter set Severity to None.
Hunter set Resolution to Open.
Hunter set Legacy ID to 273223095.May 8 2016, 3:25 PM
Hunter added a subscriber: Hunter.

High priority