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Dodge mechanic?
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I was wondering about this while i was playing the game. You know when a zombie jumps on you, you almost getting hit every time? What if you could dodge it? Not move to the sides or backwards, but jump/dodge in which direction you want. Now this is not something you would spam, you should be able to do it once or twice in a row, then you need to rest and do it again. But if you're bleeding or badly damaged, you sholdnt be able to do it. I think it can bring some other tactics, like, if you see a player and you're behind cover, you could roll/dodge to the next cover so he "doesn't see you". I think it's cool and should be added to the game.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

double or triple tap the direction key where you want to dodge.

For example: 3XW = Dodge forward. 2XS = dodge/roll backwards. 2XA or D = Dodge/slide left or right.

Additional Information

Hope this makes it into the game, s i feel helpful :P

Having tons of fun.

Event Timeline

kennykyle edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
kennykyle set Category to Movement.
kennykyle set Reproducibility to N/A.
kennykyle set Severity to None.
kennykyle set Resolution to Open.
kennykyle set Legacy ID to 1663936586.May 8 2016, 3:08 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: R834.Dec 22 2013, 6:36 AM

It's called a feedback. Search in dictionary.