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Middle finger Gesture happens randomly
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The middle finger gesture randomly happens. I'll be walking or running doing anything for that matter and it just gives the gesture one or two times.

Its very random doesn't happen too often but often enough that it concerns me that there will be a time it happens during combat or a key moment in the game.


Legacy ID
Additional Information

I'll see if i can get a video of it in the future if no one else is able to reproduce it. Also i've checked all my bindings and external devices to see if it was triggering the gesture and none are.

Event Timeline

bantam edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Dec 20 2013, 9:01 PM
bantam set Category to category:characters.
bantam set Reproducibility to Random.
bantam set Severity to None.
bantam set Resolution to Open.
bantam set Legacy ID to 730675102.May 8 2016, 2:54 PM
bantam added a subscriber: bantam.

I've been able to replicate the issue. It happens when a person is near. This is troubling considering the combat in the game as of late.