You can currently spawn any item modyfying the DayZ proccess.
- Legacy ID
- 3516487538
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Cheat Engine
- DayZ Standalone (Duh!)
So, once you've got those two, you're gonna want to open DayZ, and then Cheat Engine. You're then gonna want to open up Cheat Engine and find the DayZ process.
After you've done that, select value type on the right hand side of CE and select 'String', this will allow you to search for text.
Now search for:
["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayOptionsVideo",'GUI'] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "DZ\ui\scripts\initDisplay.sqf"
Once the result has come up in the address list, double click the address.
Now, you will need to change the vale, to do this just double click under the value heading, this will allow you to change the value, a box will pop up and you'll want to change the value to:
- execVM "hint.sqf";
After you've done this you'll need to go to this location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ
Once you're there, create a new text file and name it hint.sqf, make sure the 'save as type' selection is set to 'all files', not '.txt'.
Now you've saved that, you can open it and then add the items you want to spawn in, to do so you'll need to use this code
"classname" createVehicle (getPosATL player);
Event Timeline
To add more, you can do other things too like waking up from unconsciousness.
player setVariable['shock',0];
player setUnconscious false;