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Light beam of Flash light stays on the ground when piceked up again.
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Placed the flash light on the ground when I turned it on. A beautiful light-beam showed. But when I tried to pick it up again the light remained while the flash light was back in my inventory. When I turned it on and of again the beam was fixed.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

Turn flash light on in hands.
Put it in inventory.
Place it on the ground.
Pick it back up.

(To fix it:)
Take flash light in your hands.
Turn it off and on again.

Additional Information

Haven't tried if it worked a second time but will try it later on.

Event Timeline

SicariusFeroxis edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
SicariusFeroxis set Category to category:environment.
SicariusFeroxis set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
SicariusFeroxis set Severity to None.
SicariusFeroxis set Resolution to Open.
SicariusFeroxis set Legacy ID to 1727153038.May 8 2016, 2:28 PM