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negative mouse acceleration while looking horizontally makes it unplayable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I find it in a lot forums in the internet and couldnt find any solution. When I move the mouse slowly on the x axis it response very fast, if I move it quickly (e.g. for quick aiming) almost nothing happens. For the y axis it works fine.
-tested it with another mouse
-reinstalled dayz
-deinstalled razr deathadder mouse drivers
-deinstalled and reinstalled windows mouse drivers
-tested ALL control setting possibilities for the mouse in the menu(btw acceleration button does not work)
-edited some config control settings
-tested several render options


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

xroads set Category to Controls.Dec 18 2013, 3:20 PM
xroads set Reproducibility to Always.
xroads set Severity to None.
xroads set Resolution to Duplicate.
xroads set Legacy ID to 4098473168.May 8 2016, 2:27 PM
Rossums added a subscriber: Rossums.May 8 2016, 2:27 PM

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Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon, drives me crazy too - acceleration is currently bugged though!
