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God mode, respawn with all your stuff
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have killed the same guy twice in a row...
as soon he is death, he press ESC>Exit>joins new Server and spawns at the same location with all his stuff. The next step is to ghost to a better location and login to the old server... here you go. I'm pretty sure that some guys out there are using this shit... so please fix as fast as possible.

Vote up for a fast fix.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

As you are death: press ESC > Exit > Join a new Server > You respawn with all your gear so you can ghost around > login into your old server to kill some non "bug user"!

Event Timeline

Metalmanicus set Category to Server.
Metalmanicus set Reproducibility to Always.
Metalmanicus set Severity to None.
Metalmanicus set Resolution to Duplicate.
Metalmanicus set Legacy ID to 2936937372.May 8 2016, 2:26 PM
Rossums added a subscriber: Rossums.May 8 2016, 2:26 PM

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