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Crashing due to specific area
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When running to the North side of the map in between NW and NE Airfield, my character was teleported back around 100 steps and frozen in place. I was unable to do any actions nor open any menu (Even pressing ESC produced no result). Relogging placed me back another 200 steps and I was able to reproduce the crash 2 more times in similar (not exact) positions


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Unsure of exact position, but North of Mogilevka and maybe past Guglovo (again, unsure of position), open fields in every direction but when passing through an area containing white grass, as soon as the grass transitions back into green only a few more seconds of running will produce crash.

Event Timeline

Grep edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 18 2013, 10:07 AM
Grep set Category to Game Crash.
Grep set Reproducibility to Always.
Grep set Severity to None.
Grep set Resolution to Duplicate.
Grep set Legacy ID to 3108934734.May 8 2016, 2:23 PM
Brimi added a comment.Jan 6 2014, 1:40 PM

Please let us know if you are still able to reproduce this issue in latest Development build.

If so, please add video or another details (reproduction steps, approximate position - screen from map). Thank you.

Zynthia added a subscriber: Zynthia.May 8 2016, 2:23 PM

happends many times to me, think it has something to do with server load/desynch, various diffrent servers have made me do the same

Brimi added a comment.Jan 7 2014, 9:31 AM

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums: [^]

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

I have added the original report above under ‘Relationships’
