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Clunky melee attacks
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There is a noticeable delay between when you click to melee attack, the swing animation, and the actual attack.

Combined with the current hitboxes, movement system (clunky/twitchy "ArmA" style) and hit registration, this makes melee combat completely random against anything that is not immobile (and even then).


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Equip a baseball bat or a shovel.
Try to attack someone circling you unpredictably.

Additional Information

Clunky melee and clunky movement combine to create an atrocious game play experience. The clunky movement is acceptable in ArmA because the movement is tactical, it has for objective to bring you to position A to B and give you options to use ranged weapons from that position.

It is not suited for the "quick-reaction, small-adjustment" twitchy type of movement we need to do to be able to engage in CQC melee combat. (see sword fighting videos for the movements needed)

I feel this awkward paradigm is also applied to the melee combat. We see non-fluid movements, and it feels like we're shooting a gun at the end of a lengthy animation, instead of swiping a shovel from right-to-left. All of this makes it rather painful, and if anything, random.

This is, of course, feedback, and not a bug per-say. But anyway, "standalone" should mean more then not having to buy ArmA 2 to play the DayZ mod, so I'm looking forward to see what you can do with this game.

Event Timeline

Tase edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 17 2013, 9:08 PM
Tase edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Tase set Category to category:weapons.
Tase set Reproducibility to Always.
Tase set Severity to None.
Tase set Resolution to Open.
Tase set Legacy ID to 143267862.May 8 2016, 2:14 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Tase.Dec 17 2013, 9:08 PM