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Food and Drink
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When eating food and drinking drink it would seem that even though it says my hunger is satisfied it really is not, within seconds of eating or drinking i seem to be hungry and thirsty and death is inevitable and just to make sure it was not just saying i am thirsty and hungry i carried on playing and in the end i did go unconcious and eventually died due to lack of food and drink.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

oapsod set Category to category:items.Dec 17 2013, 5:07 PM
oapsod set Reproducibility to Always.
oapsod set Severity to None.
oapsod set Resolution to Duplicate.
oapsod set Legacy ID to 3860962689.May 8 2016, 2:11 PM

need some sort of indicator, text is not enough unless color coded by severity

Rossums added a subscriber: Rossums.May 8 2016, 2:11 PM

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