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Player as passanger in helichopter switches into a copilot when starting scenario
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When placeing a player as passanger in vehicles (helichopter with its all crew, huron or blackfoot), (it shows that player is passanger in editor) but when pressed play scenario (ingame) it sets player as pilot or copilot. I tryed everything and allways keeps changeing player as passenger into a copilot.


Legacy ID
Eden Editor
Steps To Reproduce

I set para tropper/recon tl as player and then add a huron/blackfoot near to player and then drag player into a helichopter(inheight), player is shown as passanger(ok) then go to play scenario and player is set as copilot.i want to create mission where it starts with player as passanger. When placeing waypoints (heli) to load in player works fine.

Event Timeline

blackadder set Category to Eden Editor.
blackadder set Reproducibility to Always.
blackadder set Severity to None.
blackadder set Resolution to Open.
blackadder set Legacy ID to 634872549.May 8 2016, 1:44 PM
blackadder edited a custom field.
Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 8 2016, 1:44 PM
Koala added a comment.Feb 16 2016, 2:18 PM


From my point of view a seat manager for vehicles might be a solution.

If you drag a character over a vehicle a window with all available seats should appear.

that would be great!!!