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Black screen crash - no sound - Navy Seals Single Player Campaign Blood Brothers
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CUP mods & OEM ArmA III dlc only mods loaded- crash always occurs on Chenarus summer map. Crash does not occur immediately upon loading, nor at a specific point in the campaign.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

All ArmA III DLC loaded
CUP mods - weapons, units, terrains-core, vehicles, terrains-maps
Must play through until Russian mission
Drive vehicle, engage in combat, drive some more.

Additional Information

It may be related to vehicles in some way, always happens when in or near vehicles.

Event Timeline

Papabull edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Papabull set Category to Game Crash.
Papabull set Reproducibility to Always.
Papabull set Severity to None.
Papabull set Resolution to Open.
Papabull set Legacy ID to 4289165128.May 8 2016, 1:43 PM


thank you for the response. However, we cannot determine what exactly caused your game to crash. It is necessary you try to run your Arma without any mods. If the crashes still happen then, please send another crashdumps.

If the crashes stop (on Arma without mods), please try to activate mods one by one until you find out which one causes the crashes.

Mods are not official content from Bohemia Interactive and it is very likely that the CTDs you are experiencing are caused by collisions between two or more mods.

Please let us know, thank you.

Well, I tried it again with only the DLC (official) installed with same result. I'll post the crash log from that setup, perhaps will help out.

If you mean the single player campaign, then I take your meaning.