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While Joining an Arma 3 Koth server Game crashes
Assigned, WishlistPublic


If I join an Arma 3 KoTH Server, my Game crashes every time after the Team was choosen, in the loading screen. It happened never before, but since today it keeps on crashing.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Join KoTH Game

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Maxe585 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 7 2016, 7:23 PM
Maxe585 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Maxe585 set Category to Game Crash.
Maxe585 set Reproducibility to Always.
Maxe585 set Severity to None.
Maxe585 set Resolution to Open.
Maxe585 set Legacy ID to 4236658589.May 8 2016, 1:40 PM
Maxe585 edited a custom field.


we are sorry for the trouble you are having with the game.

This error is very generic. It may be caused by many issues, such as a hardware malfunction, a virus in the computer, but also an error in the game itself. Possible solutions:

-Try joining another server, then rejoin the previous one.
-Update the graphics card drivers to a newer version.
-Rollback the graphics card drivers to an older version.
-Check the temperature of your GPUs and CPUs.
-Verify the integrity of the game cache using Steam.
-Re-install DirectX.
-Uninstall the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (x86 version), restart your computer and install the package again (do not use the Repair function).
-Run a Windows System File Check tool to repair corrupted system files.

Please let us know if any of this helped.

Thank you