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When placing units (Men) on any military platform, they don't stay where placed in group.
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When placing units (Men) on any military platform (military cargo post / tower) than setting them in "group to" / "sync to" and selecting "combat mode" under "Attributes" for tha group, than choosing "open fire" NOT "open fire, keep formation". Hit ok, than play scenario and watch the AI men fall off the tower or load on the ground not in the tower where I placed them.
If there is something I am doing wrong please let me know. It was simple in 2D to choose no formation and they stayed where they were placed, so I am at a loss here...
I looked around and could not find anyone else with the same problem.


Legacy ID
Eden Editor
Steps To Reproduce

When placing units (Men) on any military platform (military cargo post / tower) than setting them in "group to" / "sync to" and selecting "combat mode" under "Attributes" for tha group, than choosing "open fire" NOT "open fire, keep formation". Hit ok, than play scenario and watch the AI men fall off the tower or load on the ground not in the tower where I placed them.

Event Timeline

lordcharlemagne set Category to Eden Editor.
lordcharlemagne set Reproducibility to Always.
lordcharlemagne set Severity to None.
lordcharlemagne set Resolution to Open.
lordcharlemagne set Legacy ID to 3115783561.May 8 2016, 1:40 PM