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[Development] Sounds overlap and doesnt really match the shot and a Heli
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The sounds of the weapons in the new 1.56 development keeps overlapping in a bad way and just sounds weird whilst its overlapping. It may be good but not sure. I get this especially when shooting the SPMG .338

Also the sound of the shot and the soundwave going away from the gun dont sound matched. I think it needs a bit more tweaking so its just right.

NOTE: Have only tested it out for 1 heli (huron) but the sound is just crap. If you turn off the engine and when the rotors are still going at a low speed the sound just goes down like the end of a movie where a heli flys away from you. Its nothing like before the patch where it just sounded smooth


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Spawn as a heavy gunner with SPMG.
Shoot full auto
Hear the sounds

Additional Information

This is most likely just my ears and that ive never heard a gun before.

Event Timeline

PauldeKoning edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PauldeKoning set Category to Sound.
PauldeKoning set Reproducibility to Always.
PauldeKoning set Severity to None.
PauldeKoning set Resolution to Open.
PauldeKoning set Legacy ID to 1663691261.May 8 2016, 1:40 PM