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Dead bodies at mission start - if player disconnects during brefing
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When a server is in the Brefing/map screen (after slotting, but before game starts) If a player disconnects or goes back to the slotting screen. His Ingame Unit is killed.

So when the mission starts (goes from briefing to ingame) is there now a dead bodie where the player that disconnected or went back to the slotting screen was. In high player count missions can this count of dead people reach pretty high numbers.

I think the game should know that the player is not yet fully in his ingame unit. and so not spawn it in, or remove it if the player does the above.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create a mission with more than 1 playable slot.
  2. Get 1+ players to join the mission when its on the briefing screen.
  3. Get the player(s) to disconnect, or go back to the slotting screen.
  4. When the mission is started will there now be a dead bodie where the playable unit was.
Additional Information

This has only been tested on a dedicated server.

Event Timeline

Perfk edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 2 2016, 10:22 PM
Perfk edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Perfk set Category to Multiplayer.
Perfk set Reproducibility to Always.
Perfk set Severity to None.
Perfk set Resolution to Open.
Perfk set Legacy ID to 3684341626.May 8 2016, 1:38 PM