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Suggestions for integrating ejection
New, WishlistPublic


  • What if add some trigger to program - if the rotor destroyed, pilot gets function to Eject.
  • Pilots of Mi-28 have the system that allows them to emergency leave the helicopter without ejecting blades of the rotor. (It works like in fighter jets, but simply pushes them in the horizontal direction instead of vertical)
  • There is two main situations: 1 - Pilot want to eject when the helicopter moves mostly horizontally, the same situation when it is possible to paratroopers to eject. In this situation it is unfairly that pilots can't access abilities that are accessible for them who sitting in 2 meters back. 2 - Pilot want to eject when the helicopter moves mostly vertically to the ground, that what creates a dangerous situation when after ejecting - you can hit some part of the helicopter.
  • There was the issue some time ago, when paratroopers was hitting the rotors and helicopter lose its rotor. Maybe this code will allow to create a simple system for pilots. They can eject, but if they hit the rotor, they will be wounded ?
  • It is also sometimes useful for gameplay when helicopter moves on the ground


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Additional Information

Main ticket - 0011960

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 31 2016, 5:24 AM
Bohemia set Category to Feature Request.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to N/A.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Open.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 4234718788.May 8 2016, 1:37 PM