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Arma freezes/lags when driving ground vehicles
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Whenever I attempt to use a ground vehicle the game will freeze up and lag when it is moving. I've tried this both with and without mods in use, I've reinstalled the game and my drivers, and ran hard drive surface scans that came out clean.

This seems to happen in every ground vehicle I've used thus far. It should be noted that in some vehicles (Civilian Truck, or NATO HEMTT for example) it doesn't freeze as often in first person, but on switching to third person the freezing and stuttering returns.

There also seems to be some rpt log spam that takes place during this period when the mods are on, although that could be unrelated. I linked two logs below anyway.


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Load in to mission with zeus
  2. Place vehicle
  3. Attempt to drive donuts
Additional Information

Video example:

Logs when this was happening:
RPT 1 (Mods on, "Bad conversion: scalar" spam):
RPT 2 (Mods off, no spam, exact situation as video):

Event Timeline

musicalanvil edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
musicalanvil set Category to Game Freezes.
musicalanvil set Reproducibility to Always.
musicalanvil set Severity to None.
musicalanvil set Resolution to Open.
musicalanvil set Legacy ID to 2674503513.May 8 2016, 1:36 PM


could you please try to switch to Steam Dev and see if the problem is still present?

You can find how to change to Steam Dev here:

As for the crashdumps. Please try to make set their share option to public or upload it to a different file sharing service as we are currently not able to access them on your Google Drive.

Thank you very much

Switched to Steam Dev and the issue is still present, but only when -noLauncher is used as a launch option.

Fixed the Google Drive links.


unfortunatelty I was not able to reproduce this bug. Are you spawning the vehicle for yourself or you spawn a rifleman and remote control the unit to drive the vehicle?

Also, could you please verify your game files via Steam?

After then, please try to run your Arma as an admin.

Should this not help, please let me know.

Thank you

I get the freezing issues whenever there is a vehicle driving on my screen. Spawning it for myself, remote controlling a unit, or having an AI unit drive around while I watch all seems to have the same effect.

Tried both, still getting the same result, freezing when running the game without the launcher.

EDIT: It should be noted that though going through the launcher on the Steam Dev branch fixes the freezing issues, this "fix" does not work on stable.


could you please try and check whether this issue is present in the 1.56 RC version?

Here's an access code, you have to insert it in the Betas tab in the game properties.


Thank you

Issue still present, in the same form as it was on the dev branch (running the game without the launcher).


new stable version of the game came out just recently. If your issues still persist please send us your latest rpt files generated during the game session where you encountered these drops.

The rpt files should be located in this directory:
C:\<username>\AppData\Local\Arma 3

Thank you