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Failed to install BattlEye service.
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I can launch the game at the first try, join a private server and then "No message received" appear... My game freeze and have to close it with task manager. Try to launch it again and "Failed to install BattlEye service" appear.
I can't play. {F27912}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Initialize game.
  2. Join server.
  3. Game Freeze.
  4. Close it with task manager.
  5. Try to launch it again.
  6. Failed to install BattlEye service.
Additional Information

I must say the server I try to join its a modded server but a couple weeks ago I was able to play normally.
I try reinstalling Arma 3, same problem... Delete BattlEye folder, same problem... Turn on silent mode on Avast (currently antivirus), same problem... I don't know what else I can do.

Event Timeline

JVindas edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 28 2016, 8:18 PM
JVindas edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
JVindas set Category to BattlEye.
JVindas set Reproducibility to Always.
JVindas set Severity to None.
JVindas set Resolution to Open.
JVindas set Legacy ID to 1640674079.May 8 2016, 1:36 PM


we are sorry for the trouble you are having with the game.

Could you please try whether the issue is still present when no mods are running?

Also please make sure that you are running the latest version of the BattlEye service.

In case of any further problems, please try going through the BattleEye support page and if necessary contacting BattlEye support.

Let me know if any of this helped.

Thank you

JVindas added a subscriber: JVindas.May 8 2016, 1:36 PM

Hello razazel, I just launch the game without mods and still get the same error. Also download the latest version of BattlEye from their webpage and did nothing, same error.
I noticed that when my game freeze and I close it with task manager BattlEye keeps running on background, I think thats the problem but I can't kill the process.

Going to contact BattlEye support to try to fix this and I let you know.

EDIT: I try step by step the BattlEye FAQ but with no luck, getting the "No message received in..." error when try to join any server doesnt matter if Im using mods or no.

Thank you.