Since a few days we are able use the Virtual Arsenal on units in the Eden 3D editor what is great.
But the Eden Virtual Arsenal has some functional cuts compared to the Virtual Arsenal you can find in the main menu (Learn).
You are not able to change the face, voice and insignia of a unit directly in the Eden Arsenal (right click on the unit -> Arsenal).
You only can change at least the face and voice of a unit in the attributes, but following disadvantages result from this:
-you can't hear the changed voice -you can't hear the changed pitch -you have to click everytime on "OK" and zoom in on the unit to see the changed face
Same goes for the vehicles (take a look in following ticket: #0027561)
For now we only can change the color of the vehicles in the attributes but not the components (doors, bumpers, backpacks and so on).
I am speaking of comfort functions.