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Campaign 2
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In the beginning of the second campain, where I need to command a team for the first time.

Every time I made jonction with the team I'm supposed to lead, the game crash.

Report File upload


Legacy ID
Campaign Episode 2: Adapt
Steps To Reproduce

Just load the mission

Event Timeline

Garion edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 26 2016, 2:19 PM
Garion set Category to Campaign Episode 2: Adapt.
Garion set Reproducibility to Always.
Garion set Severity to None.
Garion set Resolution to Open.
Garion set Legacy ID to 390968616.May 8 2016, 1:35 PM
Garion edited a custom field.


we are sorry for the trouble you are having with the game.

This error is very generic. It may be caused by many issues, such as a hardware malfunction, a virus in the computer, but also an error in the game itself. Possible solutions:

-Update the graphics card drivers to a newer version.
-Rollback the graphics card drivers to an older version.
-Check the temperature of your GPUs and CPUs.
-Verify the integrity of the game cache using Steam.
-Re-install DirectX.
-Uninstall the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (x86 version), restart your computer and install the package again (do not use the Repair function).
-Run a Windows System File Check tool to repair corrupted system files.

Thank you