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Can not read memory then crash
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I start up the game and enter a server or host. Play for around 5 minutes and then get kicked out to the desktop with the error...

Instruction (different numbers each time) referenced memory (different numbers each time) that could not be read


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

I have tried with mods, without mods, reinstall, closing background programs, adding the arma 3 folder to the registry and making the value 0 ( i believe it was zero, it was your advice on the forums that had me try this) reinstalling my graphics card driver, downloading the Dev version to see if that made a difference.

Additional Information

Normally I would say that this is a PC issue but the real kicker is that I can play Arma 2, H1Z1, World of Warcraft, and Elder Scrolls Online fine with no issues. This is why I am reaching out to you to help me with this problem. Thank you for your time and I do very much enjoy your game so I would love to get back to playing it soon! :)

Event Timeline

csrenegade edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
csrenegade set Category to Game Crash.
csrenegade set Reproducibility to Always.
csrenegade set Severity to None.
csrenegade set Resolution to Open.
csrenegade set Legacy ID to 1730625959.May 8 2016, 1:34 PM
csrenegade edited a custom field.


we are sorry you are experiencing issues with our game.

If you are running any mods please try to disable them and export your game log files from the launcher.

Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:

  1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
  2. Click Options menu
  3. Drop down menu will appear
  4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
  5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file

Please note that it might take some time for files to collect.

Attach the generated files to the ticket. If the files are too big please use some free file sharing service.

Thank you

Attached the report for you I look forward to hearing from you soon with how to fix this. Thank you for your time and support!

Just wondering if anyone is going to get back to me about fixing this issue? I have been without the ability to play Arma 3 for going on 3 weeks now!


your issue was submitted internally and is currently being investigated.