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Random Game Crash.
Assigned, WishlistPublic


My game started randomly crash ... it was running ok for weeks .
{F27849} {F27850} {F27851} {F27852} {F27853} {F27854}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

i just play the game ... sometimes it cras hafter 1h , sometimes 5mn ... really random

Event Timeline

apachon edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 21 2016, 7:18 PM
apachon set Category to Game Crash.
apachon set Reproducibility to Random.
apachon set Severity to None.
apachon set Resolution to Open.
apachon set Legacy ID to 4139617836.May 8 2016, 1:32 PM
apachon added a subscriber: apachon.

i will upload all my report logs as they happens .


could you please verify your game files via Steam?

After then, please try to run your Arma as an admin.

Thank you

hello ,
thanks for the fast reply .
i just did that ,
validate game cache 100% ok .
check arma .exe run as admin .ok
launch the game ... about 15mn in .. then freeze and crash again .
this time i had a nvidia drivers crash and recovery thingy .
so i rolledback to old nvidia drivers ... thought it maybe the drivers update the problems...
launch the game ... 30mn ingame random crash again .
back to latest nvidia drivers .
will check crash logs and upload new ones .

It seems game is unable to initialize a graphical subsystem. Possible solutions:

-Update the graphics card drivers to a newer version.
-Rollback the graphics card drivers to an older version.
-Check the temperature of your GPUs and CPUs.
-Disable the Steam Overlay.

Since the first two did not help, the issue might be somewhere else.

It looks like the crash dumps were not created (we need rpt + bidmp + mdmp files). It could be that your game actually did not crash or it crashed and was killed off (via task manager) too quickly for crashdumps to create.

Next time it freezes, please try to wait a minute or two so the dumps have time to create. If there are no crashdumps after then, we'll try to find another solution.

Thank you