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Underbarrel Grenade Launchers
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Hi Support team.

Grenade Launchers aimpoint off to the right of the crosshairs center, as you aim and place the crosshairs on target then fire the explosion is of to the right from the target and to hit any target i have to aim more to the left to compensate.

Look something like this the plus sign being the crosshairs and the nought being the blast + 0


Legacy ID
AI Aiming / Shooting
Additional Information

Also in the dialog of the mission where after taking out the tank/command center and going to rescue the downed chopper crew Kerry introduce himself to the pilot as corporal Kerry and tell the pilot Nato forces are bombing friendlies the pilot report back to command the info and say I've got corporel Miller instead of Kerry.

Event Timeline

Jerry006 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 21 2016, 3:07 AM
Jerry006 set Category to AI Aiming / Shooting.
Jerry006 set Reproducibility to Always.
Jerry006 set Severity to None.
Jerry006 set Resolution to Open.
Jerry006 set Legacy ID to 1634686884.May 8 2016, 1:32 PM


thank you for your feedback.

The issue with the grenade launcher should be fixed in on of the next Steam Dev updates and then in the next Stable version update.

You can try it out yourself in the Steam Dev version. Here you will find how to change to Steam Dev:

As for the Kerry/Miller mixup, this is intentional, pilot had just crash landed and is bit confused about what's happening.

Thank you

Hi razazel

Thanks for prompt reply i am now trying the DEV version, wanted to go through all scenarios novice to elite before going through the dev formats will see about the launcher fix.

As for pilot i'm sure he would be confused after crashing but would he have known about Miller and would he have been that mixed up to say the wrong name so quick after hearing Kerry's never mind i'll live with it.

Thanks again.