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Server crashes randomly, or get out of Memory
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Hi guys.
I have big problem, and i think many others have this too.
My Arma 3 (Altis Life) Server crash very often.
Sometimes without Reason, and sometimes with "out of memory..."
I didn't find any held yet. Pls can u help me, we are staring a new project and with this we lost many players.

My OS and Spec.
Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter
64 Gigabyte DDR4 RAM
Inte(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3,60GHz
Enough Harddrive storage
and Gigabit Internetconnection.

We start the Server only with
@ASM (Server monitor)

{F27839} {F27840} {F27841} {F27842} {F27843} {F27844} {F27845}


Legacy ID
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Crashing since last 2 ARMA updates

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 20 2016, 7:30 PM
Bohemia set Category to Dedicated Server.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Random.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Open.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 2560724987.May 8 2016, 1:32 PM
Bohemia edited a custom field.


it looks like the crash dumps were not created (we need rpt + bidmp + mdmp files). It could be that your game actually did not crash or it crashed and was killed off (via task manager) too quickly for crashdumps to create.

Next time it freezes, please try to wait a minute or two so the dumps have time to create. If there are no crashdumps after then, we'll try to find another solution.

Thank you

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 1:32 PM

Ok well, i wait till next creash and look if i get more informations for you.
I attached a picture, this happend now, what is this?
And can you please make a newer version, since 1.54 update, there are too many crashes.

19:25:41 Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B)
19:25:41 Virtual memory free 2225 MB (2334081024 B)
19:25:41 Physical memory free 50029 MB (52459429888 B)
19:25:41 Page file free 81407 MB (85362184192 B)
19:25:41 Process working set 1330 MB (1395429376 B)
19:25:41 Process page file used 1553 MB (1628831744 B)
19:25:41 Longest free VM region: 2129018880 B
19:25:41 VM busy 1959079936 B (reserved 172920832 B, committed 1786159104 B, mapped 47505408 B), free 2335756288 B
19:25:41 Small mapped regions: 20, size 94208 B
19:29:29 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(325414750): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
19:30:27 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(479283037): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

16:49:32 Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B)
16:49:32 Virtual memory free 230 MB (241881088 B)
16:49:32 Physical memory free 49785 MB (52203892736 B)
16:49:32 Page file free 79315 MB (83168448512 B)
16:49:32 Process working set 1479 MB (1551147008 B)
16:49:32 Process page file used 3556 MB (3728842752 B)
16:49:32 Longest free VM region: 164630528 B
16:49:32 VM busy 4051279872 B (reserved 168828928 B, committed 3882450944 B, mapped 47898624 B), free 243556352 B
16:49:32 Small mapped regions: 20, size 94208 B

Added newest RPT, MDMP & Bidmp

Server crash after 2 Hours with 23 Players

I'm using performence Binery v11 from dwarden

Lotzo added a subscriber: Lotzo.May 8 2016, 1:32 PM
Lotzo added a comment.Jan 27 2016, 4:28 PM

Same on our Server. It's Happening randomly! Last 2:16 am with 5 players online. With 85 players yesterday evening , everything working fine!

Rpt log & dump Data uploaded.

The error was : Access_violation

With our Monitoring Tool Marma we found this bevor it crashed. Look Art the uploaded picture