When opening a mission if there are any undefined variables in mod files/scripts an error message is presented. Prior to ver. 1.55.134002 I have always been able to close the messages, however since 1.55.134002 these messages no longer have an X icon or Close Button. Using ESC works in both the main menu (if game is loaded with mods which use an incorrect font) and in the editor, but does not work when entering a mission, preventing users utilising mods from playing missions. In some instances small boxes have appeared under the error message where the Close Button used to be, but they are both blank and unusable.
Whilst this issue may be at least in part down to mod creators, as such a large number of Arma 3 users utilise mods, there are a considerable number of people who could be affected by this. Returning the previous "close" functionality would therefore be an ideal fix.
*UPDATE* This issue also affects the Virtual Arsenal. Please see additional Screenshot & replication notes. Screenshot http://imgur.com/xT2AXWI