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Advanced Flight Model - player controlled choppers (NATO) start to float if the player remote controls an AI (ZEUS)
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Today I noticed a strange and funny bug.

If you are the pilot of a NATO chopper and start to remote control an AI unit with ZEUS, the chopper starts to behave strange.

It starts to slowly float into the sky, slowly flips over, sometimes immediately explodes or it gets thrown through the sky (maybe ZEUS is mad?).


Legacy ID
Advanced Flight Model
Steps To Reproduce
  1. open the editor
  2. create a NATO chopper (player is pilot)
  3. create the ZEUS module
  4. preview the mission.
  5. change to the advanced flight model (Configure->Game->General)
  6. while sitting in the chopper, call Zeus
  7. create an AI unit (not too close to the chopper)
  8. choose the remote control function and click on the AI unit
  9. turn to you chopper and watch it.
Additional Information

It seems, that the issue only happens to the NATO choppers.

The OPFOR Mi-290 Taru slowly floats over the ground. The other OPFOR choppers seems to be resistant.

The FIA choppers seems to be resistant too.

The issue is reproducable in both, the main and the development branches.

Event Timeline

Koala edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 19 2016, 5:06 PM
Koala edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Koala set Category to Advanced Flight Model.
Koala set Reproducibility to Always.
Koala set Severity to None.
Koala set Resolution to Open.
Koala set Legacy ID to 261418590.May 8 2016, 1:31 PM
Koala edited a custom field.