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"No Message Received"
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I'm trying to connect to an RP server that harbors a couple hundred connections/players.
I'm one of few who have been experiencing issues where Battleye stops responding and client side is met with the text "No Message Received (??) Seconds"
I've tried many things from running as admin, raising priority, checking ports, flushing DNS, uninstalling and reinstalling portion, all and many times and even deleting portions (dll files) and verifying steam cache to replace them.
I've updated drivers for my GPU and have double checked my speed UL/DL as well as RAM and CPU. People with worse specs/connections than myself have no issue with the game.
I'm curious if the issue is myself and the few other unlucky ones, or the server itself? {F27811}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

no matter what, I get disconnected anywhere between 20 seconds to 10 minutes.

Additional Information

I have images, a video of what happens (absolutely nothing till the end where it says "No Messages Received" and the dump files in .rar.

I've searched the forums using "No Message Received" or "Battleye Stopped Responding" and such but couldn't find information that could really help me. I apologize if my situation's surfaced and has been resolved that I missed.

Event Timeline

VidiaVitamigmailcom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
VidiaVitamigmailcom set Category to BattlEye.
VidiaVitamigmailcom set Reproducibility to Random.
VidiaVitamigmailcom set Severity to None.
VidiaVitamigmailcom set Resolution to Open.
VidiaVitamigmailcom set Legacy ID to 3655084323.May 8 2016, 1:30 PM


please make sure that you are running the latest version of the BattlEye service.

In case of any further problems, please try going through the BattleEye support page and if necessary contacting BattlEye support.

Thank you