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Loading a saved single-player session removes a chunk of available stamina
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Loading a save game in a single-player campaign or other scenario will result in a chunk of one's stamina disappearing. It is only mildly inconvenient with the new stamina system, given how fast it recovers. However, it also affects the "Legacy Fatigue Mod" found on the Steam Workshop. Fatigue in that mod recovers far more slowly, making this issue somewhat game-breaking. I have not tested this with any other fatigue/stamina related mods.

Multiple consecutive save-and-reloads (save-load-save-load-...) have a cumulative effect. This includes user saves, auto-saves, and even save-and-exit.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start a campaign or scenario.
  2. Create a user save, or reach an autosave location, or select "Save and Exit" from the menu.
  3. Reload that save.

Event Timeline

Ostsol edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 14 2016, 8:29 PM
Ostsol set Category to Stamina.
Ostsol set Reproducibility to Always.
Ostsol set Severity to None.
Ostsol set Resolution to Open.
Ostsol set Legacy ID to 2488849749.May 8 2016, 1:29 PM
Ostsol edited a custom field.


this issue should be fixed in one of the upcoming Steam Dev updates and later in the Stable version update.

If you can, please try to switch to the Steam Dev update (probably tommorow) and see if the issue is still present (feedback onto if it has been fixed will be appreciated).

Thank you