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Whenever I press play through launcher I get a crash and error message.
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I've been working on setting up an Altis Life server, however it is not on my PC and have not altered any files on my PC. Now whenever I attempt to launch Arma 3 it crashes and give me an error. Also my launcher is saying I am not connected to Steam despite having Steam running in the background. {F27782}


Legacy ID
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

I don't really know how to reproduce it... It just happened and Idk what to do.

Additional Information

Tried setting up Altis Life, but never merged any of my own Arma 3 files.

Event Timeline

Jtom2k edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 13 2016, 2:20 AM
Jtom2k edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Jtom2k set Category to Error Message.
Jtom2k set Reproducibility to Always.
Jtom2k set Severity to None.
Jtom2k set Resolution to Open.
Jtom2k set Legacy ID to 2058423380.May 8 2016, 1:28 PM


we are sorry for the trouble you are having with the game.

One of the possible reasons for this message is running Steam as an administrator and starting Launcher as a regular user. If this situation occurs, Launcher may display a "Updates unavailable - Steam is not running" message in its status.

Possible solutions:

Run the game from Steam client by clicking on the Play button (not from a shortcut nor directly from an executable).
Exit Steam and run as a regular user (instead of running it as an administrator).
Run the game or the Launcher from a shortcut or from an executable as an administrator.
Restart Steam.
Restart the computer.

Thank you