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ArmA randomly crashes on MP games after a while
Assigned, WishlistPublic


During MP sessions (I am the server), the game randomly crashes. It usually happens when someone fires a gun, some explosion is triggered, a vehicle spawns, etc. but I'm not able to find a repro case.

Tried changing the malloc from the default one to system: no change. Tried up/downgrading video drivers and DX11: no change. Tried launching without any mod: no change.

The logs show Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION errors. This problem has been bothering me for months now, do you have any idea?
Thank you!


Legacy ID
Error Message

Event Timeline

Drepanon set Category to Error Message.Jan 10 2016, 5:55 PM
Drepanon set Reproducibility to Random.
Drepanon set Severity to None.
Drepanon set Resolution to Open.
Drepanon set Legacy ID to 2577558962.May 8 2016, 1:27 PM


thank you for the response. However, we cannot determine what exactly caused your game to crash. It is necessary you try to run your Arma without any mods. If the crashes still happen then, please send another crashdumps.

If the crashes stop (on Arma without mods), please try to activate mods one by one until you find out which one causes the crashes.

Mods are not official content from Bohemia Interactive and it is very likely that the CTDs you are experiencing are caused by collisions between two or more mods.

Please let us know, thank you.