Crash to black screen. Proceed to Desktop by Ctrl-Alt-Del and kill the ArmA process. {F27761}
- Legacy ID
- 2278856938
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Random
- Category
- Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce
Happened twice after some hours of gaming in MP.
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
it looks like the crash dumps were not created (we need rpt + bidmp + mdmp file). It could be that your game actually did not crash or it crashed and was killed off (via task manager) too quickly for crashdumps to create.
Please try to look either for mdmp file
If that file is not present, please next time it freezes, please try to wait a minute or two so the dumps have time to create. If there are no crashdumps after then, we'll try to find another solution.
Thank you
Comment Actions
There is no mdmp file with that date so I have to wait until next freeze. Thanks.