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Arma 3 makes my computer not able to start programs and requires a restart to fix
Assigned, WishlistPublic


What happens is when i am playing Arma 3, anywhere from a 5 minute to 2 hour interval, it will make Skype crash and every other program will work as long as they are started at the time of this happening, even Arma 3 will still work. If I close them and restart them or try to start a program that is not started they will not close and I will have to do it through task manager. Once they are closed they will not restart, but will be listed in task manager using something like 10 K of ram. If I try to shutdown my computer it will forever say shutting down and I have to manually hold the power button to restart. This issue has happened quite a few times but it has only ever happened in Arma 3. There is no error message for this. {F27760}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Play Arma 3 and it will happen within 5 minutes to 2 hours

Additional Information

I have tried closing my anti-virus, running Arma 3 in full screen borderless, reinstalling, verifying game cache, Running without Skype, and removing all launch parameters. This problem has only happened in king of the hill because it is the only game mode I play, but if requested or if I play another game mode I will report back with results.

Event Timeline

Chara edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 9 2016, 11:35 PM
Chara edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Chara set Category to Other.
Chara set Reproducibility to Always.
Chara set Severity to None.
Chara set Resolution to Open.
Chara set Legacy ID to 517851472.May 8 2016, 1:27 PM


we are sorry you are experiencing issues with our game.

If you are running any mods please try to disable them and try it out. Should the problem occur again, please export your game log files from the launcher (again, without any mod).

Thank you

Chara added a subscriber: Chara.May 8 2016, 1:27 PM
Chara added a comment.Jan 14 2016, 9:03 PM

I think i have found what the cause of the issue is though I don't know if you guys can help me with it. I don't know why but it seems to be a problem with Battleye, because I just played Dayz standalone and it happened there too. The only thing I can think of that Arma 3 and Dayz have in common is Battleye and since those are the only two games that this happens in, I assume it is that. Thank you for responding to me and if I can't be helped further I understand.


please make sure that you are running the latest version of the BattlEye service.

In case of any further problems, please try going through the BattleEye support page and if necessary contacting BattlEye support.

Thank you