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Indepth analisis and bug report of End Game
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Since End Game came out i´ve play almost everyday almost everytime a server is abailable what makes me belive I am the player with most hours player in End Game, plus i have 2000+ hours in arma3. from this experience i´d like to report some feedback for the better of the game.
1.- I´ll start with the 2 most obvius bugs, when you are waiting to be revived in end game if you press the letter "X" and "C" you stand up and can do everything except the task that require SPACE BAR.

2.- The second bug only occurs in zaros it hapens when you try to use the MK20 20mm launcher from the towers or in some parts of the rocks near the towers, what will happen is that the tower will deploy in the floor down in front of you instead of the position it was supposed to.

I´d like to ad some gameplay feedback too.

After all the hours i´ve played i´ve noticed the AI tanks in Feres are too easy to get, since you dont ahve to clear the enemy AI, you can take a truck and drive till youa re in front of the tank get in and kill in the AI with it, it just feels y too easy to get a tank and clear inteligence points with it, so to solve this i would propose two things, first that you have to clear all the enemy AI to get in the tank and to reduce the amount of independent tanks to one.

2.- MAPS
I´m sure you are working in some maps to add but just to make the point it would be nice to have some new maps.

Reviving in end game is some times ignored even by medics wich is supposed to be their primary role, to fix this i propouse some simple solution giving one point for each alied you revive.

Thank you for listening hope it is helpfull.



Legacy ID
End Game - Gameplay
Steps To Reproduce

To auto-revive:
when dead but waiting for someone to revive you press the keys "x" and "C" and you will be able to move shot etc. again while unable to do task that require SPACE BAR.

MK20 20MM bug:

take the too bags of the disassembled mk20 and try to mount it in the highest par of the towers or in the rocks looking at zaros that are nearby ( in the rocks it doesnt happen in every spot) when you click mount the mk20 will be mounted in the ground instead of where you left the bag.

Event Timeline

tryhard edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 8 2016, 3:30 PM
tryhard set Category to End Game - Gameplay.
tryhard set Reproducibility to Always.
tryhard set Severity to None.
tryhard set Resolution to Open.
tryhard set Legacy ID to 1653600015.May 8 2016, 1:26 PM