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Can't hear people over direct comms
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Between today and the previous two updates something has been changed with the voice settings on arma.
When people are almost next to you you cannot hear them, and if they are slightly further away from you, you can't hear them well then either.
This is becoming a big issue, especially for those who play on RP servers, as we are unable to hear each other speak well. This is a reccuring issue that the majority of the server i play on encounter.
Please can you either a) Put the VON back to how it used to be, or B) fix this one, as it is becoming a big pain.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Try and speak to someone in comparison to the previous arma update over direct.

Event Timeline

dylansatelle set Category to VON.
dylansatelle set Reproducibility to Always.
dylansatelle set Severity to None.
dylansatelle set Resolution to Open.
dylansatelle set Legacy ID to 2465692539.May 8 2016, 1:26 PM


thank you for your feedback. Are you running the game with any mods?

Thanks for the reply Razazel. I don't play with any mods. This is a reccuring issue on the server I am currently playing on.
Default Altis Life, on the server you are currently doing testing on (aluk).

FYI - I can hear them but very quitetly. It must have changed since last update. Please revert :D