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Rebreather is not taken (and vests)
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Remove rebreather in technique no one can take


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Vest is not taken from the ground, if to get it out of the box

Additional Information

Event Timeline

TonyStark edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 4 2016, 2:07 PM
TonyStark edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TonyStark set Category to Multiplayer.
TonyStark set Reproducibility to Always.
TonyStark set Severity to None.
TonyStark set Resolution to Open.
TonyStark set Legacy ID to 696421636.May 8 2016, 1:25 PM
Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 8 2016, 1:25 PM
Koala added a comment.Jan 4 2016, 2:45 PM

Hello TonyStark,

I don't want to be offensive, but your tickets are really bad (but not the worst).

  1. You are showing issues in combination with the wasteland modification.

-why don't you open the editor and try to reproduce the issue with the vanilla content? It is not that hard.
-the developers can't do anything about mod (Wasteland, Altis Life, King of the Hill, DayZ etc.) related issues. It is in the hands of the mod creators (Sa-Matra, TAWTonic etc.)

  1. Your tickets are missing content (description, steps of reproduction)

-do you like riddles? I don't
-not community friendly content
-what do you want from the developers

  1. Your videos are russian only (Cyrillic script)

-most of the users are using the english language
-one can't reproduce what you were showing (lack of knowledge of your language)

I just want to help you, to get attention from the community and maybe from the developers. But if you create tickets like that, you won't be successful.

Best regards

I show you a video - no there are no mysteries!

Koala added a comment.Jan 4 2016, 6:32 PM

I've tested what you have shown in the video with a hunter as a cargo and all kind of rebreather (AAF, CSAT and NATO).

I was able to take all rebreather from the cargo (and from the ground), switch to the vest and back to rebreather.

I was not able to reproduce your issue with the vanilla (unmodified) version of ARMA3 in the editor. Maybe I do something wrong?

Please post a video (in use with the editor; not Wasteland, no modifications), where you were able to reproduce that issue.

Don't forget: Wasteland is a multiplayer modification that uses a huge amount of scripts. These may cause the issue you were reporting.


thank you for your feedback. We have tried this out and were not able to reproduce the problem. Please try to run your game without any mods and try it out again in editor, like stated by Koala.

Thank you