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Connecting Failed (again)
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I can't connect to any server, it says connecting failed

Some threads have been opened and then closed as this problem is supposed to be obsolete, but it's not.

I have been having this problem a long time ago and it happened again.

It happened after I changed a DNS setting, and when I go back to where it was before, it still doesn't work. I've also tried to restart the game, restart PC, restart the router (box), nothing works.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Here's what happened before I had the problem:

  • Launch the game
  • Successfully connect to a server then disconnect
  • Go into your card ipv4 setting
  • Set it to "use this DNS address and type an adress (I chose a free google DNS to see if I had less ping as I was being kicked for having more than 300ms ping (my ISP is bad at some hours)) The address was /

--> try to connect to any server, you'll get connecting failed

  • Go back to ipv4 settings, check "obtain DNS server addresses automatically" (as it was before)

--> You still get connecting failed

  • Try to reboot everything you want

--> You still get connecting failed

Event Timeline

Nils edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 3 2016, 12:39 AM
Nils set Category to Multiplayer.
Nils set Reproducibility to Always.
Nils set Severity to None.
Nils set Resolution to Open.
Nils set Legacy ID to 2668479388.May 8 2016, 1:25 PM
Nils added a subscriber: Nils.
Nils added a comment.Jan 5 2016, 5:36 PM

These days it doesn't work between 5:30pm and midnight, but it works the rest of the time... I don't understand...